Updates for our valuable Customers

We are very present to the concerns stagers and agents have as they watch alternative markets reach new milestones towards controlling COVID-19. NeOasis is actively working to ensure that we are meeting our local industry's continued needs without risking the health of our community. As we have reiterated countless times over the last six year, our mission is to build up the staging community. Our commitment to that mission will be even more evident as we face the risk that this current pandemic may dismantle what so many stagers have worked countless hours to build. If we work together, this will not destroy us. We will be stronger as we pass through the chapters to come. We will show our ability to endure.

As of now, we are continuing to operate with controlled measures and will continue to do so as we understand how critical it is for you to have the ability to market services in order to make a living and support your families. If anything causes that to change and we lose the ability to service the real estate market, we want each of our clients to feel secure in the fact that we will simultaneously cease recurring billings until we are able to return to standard operations. We want to ensure this is communicated now so that you can reassure your clients if they are apprehensive about what will occur if the real estate market locks down or if Snohomish or King County health guidelines prohibit us from destaging. We stand behind you and we will continue to be #smallbusinessstrong

                                                          NeOasis Interiors 


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